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Oceanographic Instruments

AML Family

In order to measure the physical characteristics of the world's oceans, you require accurate and specialized instrumentation. Measurements of conductivity, temperature, pressure (depth), and turbidity are just some of the readings you'll need in order to more accurately understand the environment you're working in.

Since it is widely understood that a major limiting factor for deployment of sensors for ocean monitoring purposes is biofouling, LED modules are available to bathe critical surfaces in ultraviolet (UV) light, killing early growth to prevent biofouling, and thus eliminating environmental drift in CTDs and multi-parameter instruments, and keeping critical surfaces of subsea devices clean.

Subsea Technologies proudly carries AML Oceanographic instruments. AML's X•Series instruments can be configured in the field to suit the job at hand and cover all of your CTD, sound velocity, and environmental monitoring needs.

The innovative Xchange™ Sensor-Heads have garnered significant praise for the flexibility and convenience that they bring to users...all without compromising sensor accuracy.




AML Oceanographic


Related Applications

Hydrographic Survey


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