MTS Houston Barbecue

Subsea Technologies, along with our partners AML Oceanographic and DeepSea Power & Light will be exhibiting at MTS Houston's premier fund raiser (and fun event) of the year, the Annual MTS Houston Barbecue Social which will be held the evening of November 1, 2018.

In addition to refreshments, a wonderful barbecue dinner, exhibits and social networking, there will also be door prizes and a silent auction. This is a great event and we expect several hundred participants. Bring along your colleagues and invite your clients ....spouses are also welcome. 

The barbecue is $35 with a paid in advance registration (by October 30, 2018) or $50 for those paying at the door - with or without a reservation. Students are free.


You can register for the barbecue right here.





Location: Ashtead Technology Offshore, Inc.
14825 Northwest Freeway, #900
Houston , Texas 77040

Date: Nov. 1, 2018, 5 p.m. - Nov. 1, 2018, 8:30 p.m.